BlackBerry Limited التطبيقات

Work Space Manager for BES12 26785_518
BlackBerry Limited
Work Space Manager for BES12 is required torun Secure Work Space for BES12 on Android devices. Work SpaceManager provides IT administrators the ability to performadministrative actions, to set policies and automate provisioningof configuration profiles to Secure Work Space for BES12.IMPORTANT NOTE: Work Space Manager for BES12 is required for SecureWork Space for BES12 by BlackBerry, and your organization must useBES12 or BES10 enterprise mobility management platform. Pleasecheck with your organization’s mobility experts before downloadingthis app. You will not be able to activate Work Space Manager forBES12 unless your organization creates an account for you from acompatible version of BES.
Secure Work Space for BES12 26785_518-4.4
BlackBerry Limited
Secure Work Space for BES12 integrates Androiddevices managed by BES12 by BlackBerry (and BES10) with convenientand secure access to integrated enterprise productivityapplications including email, calendar, contacts and intranetbrowsing. Email, Calendar and Contact information is synchronizedwith enterprise mail servers using Exchange ActiveSync® viaBlackBerry® Secure Connectivity, removing the need to open upconnections to messaging servers from the internet.Email Features:• Receive Push Mail Updates• Read and Write HTML Formatted Email• Add, Download and View Mail-Attachments• Select Multiple Items• Search Messages• Move Email Between Folders• Reply to Meeting Invites / Update Calendar• Flag for Follow-up• Custom SignaturesContacts Features:• Receive Push Updates for Contacts• Global Address List & Contact Photos• Edit/Update/Delete Contacts• Filter and Sort• Quick Search• Email/SMS/Call from Contact• Search and Import users from GALCalendar Features:• Receive Push Updates for Calendar• Create/Edit/Delete Appointments• Receive Reminders• Create from Email• View by Agenda/Day/Week/Month• Accept/Decline MeetingsBrowser Features:• Open Multiple Browser Pages in Tabs• Organize Bookmarks for Quick Access• Navigate the Browser History• Search Field• Browse corporate intranet pages via BlackBerry® SecureConnectivityIMPORTANT NOTE: to use Secure Work Space for BES12 yourorganization must use BES12 or BES10 enterprise mobility managementplatform, and an active user account and credentials are required.Please check with your organization’s mobility experts beforedownloading this app. Secure Work Space for BES12 will not rununless your organization uses a compatible version of BES to managemobile devices, apps and content.
BBM Meetings 2.0.31343
BlackBerry Limited
BBM Meetings offers a fresh new take on mobile collaboration. Witha mobile-optimized user experience, BBM Meetings allows on-the-goprofessionals to meet using smarter software and to be moreproductive, any time or place.Get the free app to join BBM Meetings or as part of your BBMMeetings subscription to host meetings. BBM Meetings is availableon Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry as well as on Windows PC and Maccomputers.You can enjoy:• HD VIDEO & VOICE CONFERENCING: Bring great ideas to lifewith HD video and voice conferencing for up to 25 participants.View the speaker and presentation in full screen, or swipe throughthe gallery of attendees.• BBM CHATS BECOME MEETINGS AT THE TAP OF A BUTTON: Turn any BBMchat, multiperson chat, group chat, or BBM Voice call into a livemeeting with the simple touch of a button.• RING. ANSWER. JOINING A MEETING IS AS EASY AS THAT: Stopstruggling with conference IDs, passcodes, and PINs. When it’s timeto meet, your phone rings. Answer it just like a voice call andyou’re in the meeting, ready to go.• PRESENT ANYWHERE, WITH GROUNDBREAKING MOBILE COLLABORATION:BBM Meetings is designed for mobile, so you can present from yourdevice of choice – mobile or desktop. Show your screen, deliver apresentation, share a document, or even add temporary notes.• BETTER COLLABORATION. BETTER VALUE: Get all the standardmeeting features and innovative new mobile experiences, plus awardwinning BlackBerry T-support included with a host subscription.• SCHEDULE ON THE MOVE: Easily start or schedule a video andaudio conference from your mobile device. Invite attendees fromyour local or company address book using email or BBM.• CHAT WHILE YOU MEET: Sometimes a good idea can’t wait for thecall to wrap up. Send a message to the group while you meet or senda private message to a single attendee.• TAKE CONTROL. STAY PRODUCTIVE: Keep meetings on track andproductive by managing attendees, even when hosting from a mobiledevice. Pass host controls, mute noisy lines, remove attendees, andlock your meeting to keep it private.• DIAL IN: Outside of your data coverage or roaming overseas? Noproblem. When you don’t have access to data, simply dial in from aphone line.• MEET FROM YOUR COMPUTER: When you’re at your desk, host andparticipate in meetings easily from your Windows PC or Mac.• SAVE IT FOR LATER WITH COMPUTER RECORDING: By saving meetingaudio to your computer, you can save calls for distribution orsimply to recall important information and actions later.Get the free app to join BBM meetings or as part of your BBMMeetings subscription. To learn more please
Work Security ID for BES12 1.3.0
BlackBerry Limited
Work Security ID for BES12 generates one-time passcode from a softtoken located within Secure Work Space, enhancing mobile security,while streamlining access to protected work resources - no need tocarry a separate hardware authenticator to securely access RSApasscodes.Work Security ID for BES12 is RSA Ready Program Certified.Once activated, Work Security ID for BES12 enables:• Integrated, two-factor authentication from your mobiledevices, through RSA SecurID SDK and BES by BlackBerryintegration• Copy and paste generated one-time passwords (tokens) from WorkSecurity ID to access Secure Work Space apps• Use for standard authentication tasks, such as VPN, Wi-Fi andsecure access to corporate intranets• Quick deployment to employee devices with Secure Work Space withRSA Authentication ManagerIMPORTANT NOTE: Work Security ID for BES12 an active account inBES12 or BES10 (enterprise mobility management platform) and SecureWork Space by BlackBerry. Please check with your organization’smobility experts before downloading this app. Work Security ID forBES12 will not run unless your organization uses compatibleversions of BES by BlackBerry to manage mobile devices, apps andcontent, Secure Work Space by BlackBerry, and RSA AuthenticationManager.
Secure Browser for BES12 26764_496-26
BlackBerry Limited
Secure Browser for BES12 is a securebrowserthat gives you quick access to your organization’s intranetfromyour Android phone or tablet, without a separate VPNconnection.Secure Browser is for Android devices integrated withyourorganization’s enterprise mobility management platform, BES12byBlackBerry (or BES10) and Secure Work Space.If installed, the Secure Browser for BES12 will replace theSecureBrowser within the BlackBerry Secure Work Space and willprovide anenhanced and more secure browsing environment.Secure Browser for BES12 enables:• Streamlined mobile access to your organization’s protectedonlineresources, such as your corporate intranet, without aseparate VPNconnection• Secure intranet browsing through BlackBerry SecureGlobalNetworkIMPORTANT NOTE: Secure Browser for BES12 requires anactiveaccount in BES12 or BES10 (enterprise mobility managementplatform)and Secure Work Space by BlackBerry. Please check withyourorganization’s mobility experts before downloading this app.SecureBrowser for BES12 will not run unless your organization usesacompatible version of BES to manage mobile devices, appsandcontent.
BlackBerry Notable 2.1902.1.2592
BlackBerry Limited
Notable is a content creation and sharing app that allows you toquickly capture content on your device screen, mark it up with textor free-form drawing tools, and quickly share it to your friends.The screen capture is triggered from the device convenience key,assigning as a swipe gesture shortcut, or by tapping the dedicatedscreen capture notification in the notification tray. From therethe user can mark up the content they captured quickly in the app –they can draw on it freely, add text, or even add stickers to theNotable to help call attention to something specific, or expressthemselves. Once the Notable has been created, the user can quicklyshare it to their friends via the Android share framework.Use-Cases: • Capture and highlight an interesting item you found onPinterest that you want to share with a family member via BBM. •Capture and callout a specific location on a map that you can sharewith your colleagues via text message to help show where you aregoing to meet for lunch. • Capture a specific slide in apresentation that was sent to you for review as an email attachmentand callout any changes that need to be made. • Take a picture of afunny moment, add a quick caption and share it with all of yourfriends on Facebook. • Take a picture of a household item that youneed to replace, add a quick caption or note and save to Evernoteor your favorite Tasks app to remind you later. • Create simplephoto collages with Notable by adding multiple photos to a singleNotable and share it with your significant other.
BlackBerry Privacy Shade
BlackBerry Limited
If you don't have a BlackBerry device: You can use this app on yourAndroid device absolutely free for 30 days. After that, to continueusing the app, subscribe to BlackBerry Hub+ from the app or fromBlackBerry Hub+ Services. If you have a BlackBerry device:BlackBerry smartphones powered by Android get the app for free.Privacy Shade prevents people around you from seeing your screen byblocking out everything except for a small view area that youcontrol, while still letting you interact with the full screen. •Turn on Privacy Shade to control the visibility of sensitivecontent • View and send sensitive content while in the open withoutletting others around you see your private information • UsePrivacy Shade to only expose the exact area you’re reading ortyping in • Adjust the transparency of the shade to suit yourenvironment
BlackBerry Productivity Tab
BlackBerry Limited
Productivity Tab allows you to quickly glance at the info you need.
BlackBerry Power Center 2.1902.1.1381
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry Power Center helps you optimize your device and appssothat they run efficiently. Take steps to reduce your batteryusageby managing individual apps. Power Center also providessuggestionsto optimize your device settings. Major Features: •Optimize powerconsumption with recommendations to configure yoursystem for thebest battery life • Identifies apps that wouldbenefit from batteryoptimization • Choose application presetsettings or advancedmanual configuration to control how you savepower for each app •Receive notifications if your battery mightfall below a certainlevel before you typically charge your device •Manage memory usageby preventing apps from are running in thebackground, and receivealerts for high memory usage Enjoy PowerCenter for free on yourBlackBerry device! For support,
BlackBerry Hub+ Contacts 2.2114.6.7059
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry® Hub+ Contacts stores all your contact info inonelocation for convenient management. Within the app, viewyourcontact details (such as phone numbers and email addresses)andcalendar events that you share with a contact. You can alsocreateand manage contact groups. Major Features: • Sync work andpersonalaccounts for a truly integrated experience. Supports localandsynced contacts from popular email providers such as Gmail,Yahoo!,Office 365,, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSyncaccounts,and more • Remotely search your work directory addresslist rightfrom your device • Add new contacts and search for abusiness orlocation to add it to a contact entry • Safely share acontact andprotect their personal data by controlling which infoyou share •Dark theme option gives your BlackBerry Hub+ Contacts afresh newlook and feel • Fully supports Android Enterprisedeployment and,when allowed by your administrator, supportsunifying your personaland work contacts while maintaining strictdata storage separationBlackBerry Hub+ Contacts requires theBlackBerry® Hub+ Services appto deliver a consistent experienceacross all BlackBerry®applications, and to manage yoursubscriptions Enjoy BlackBerryHub+ Contacts for free on yourBlackBerry® device! If you don'thave a BlackBerry device: • Enjoyfull functionality of the app for30 days • Purchase a monthlysubscription to enjoy BlackBerry Hub+Contacts without ads. Thisgrants you access to all the BlackBerryHub+ apps, including Inbox,Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Launcher •Enterprise Customers, pleasevisit: Forsupport,visit
BlackBerry Hub+ Inbox
BlackBerry Limited
Manage your email, social notifications, and messages in a unifiedinbox
BBM Enterprise
BlackBerry Limited
BBM® Enterprise is a secure mobile, cross-platform, messagingandcollaboration tool. It provides the same user- friendlyexperiencethat’s earned BBM millions of fans worldwide – with theend-to-endsecurity enterprise needs. BBM Enterprise allows users totakeadvantage of the speed, reliability and privacy of BBM forfastercommunication, collaboration and decision making whileprovidingsecurity conscious organizations enhanced security overcorporatedata. BBM Enterprise is the ideal business communicationtoolbecause it is mobile and immediate. Unlike enterprise IM toolsthatwere originally designed for use on the desktop, BBMEnterpriseoffers a truly mobile experience, on a variety ofdevices. With BBMEnterprise, you only need one app to cover yourmobile messagingand collaboration needs. Users know when theircolleagues havereceived and read messages, so they can collaboratewithconfidence, in real-time. One-to-one chats, group discussionsandfile sharing all happen with the protection requiredbysecurity-focused organizations – and all with an immediacyandaccountability that’s hard to achieve through anyothercommunication channel. BBM Enterprise uses a FIPS 140-2validatedcryptographic library and leverages BlackBerry’ssecureinfrastructure, trusted by security-conscious andregulatedorganizations around the world, to protect data while it’sintransit and at rest.  All the added security offered byBBMEnterprise happens in the background, so there’s no impact ontheBBM user experience.
BlackBerry Hub+ Services 2.2318.1.231802592
BlackBerry Limited
Powering all of your BlackBerry Hub+ apps
BlackBerry Hub+ Calendar 2.2312.3.231204237
BlackBerry Limited
View all your events and sync multiple calendars in one app
BlackBerry Keyboard 4.1904.3.16701
BlackBerry Limited
The BlackBerry® Keyboard includes several components thatworktogether to deliver an optimal user input. With a complementarysetof on-screen keyboards for touch interaction and fast access tothemost critical text elements, this keyboard simplifies textinput.Major Features: • Predictions and suggestions can autocorrectyourtypos, offer suggestions for the next word, and remember wordsyouuse often • Multi-language keyboards allow you to quicklychangethe language you are typing in, just by adding a new languagetoyour list of available input languages • Customizable quickphrasesand number pad can be easily accessed by sliding thekeyboard leftor right • Flick gestures let you select words fromthe predictionbar and input them directly into the text field •Text selectionand fine cursor control lets you format your workproperly to giveit a polished and professional appearance • Type byswiping yourfinger from letter to letter to form words andsentences withouthaving to remove your finger from the keyboard •Quick modes letyou easily access your productivity features such asvoice input,emojis, fine cursor control, clipboard, and settingsEnjoyBlackBerry Keyboard for free on your BlackBerry® device!Forsupport, visit
BlackBerry Device Search
BlackBerry Limited
Universal search to find apps, media and personal information ondevice and web
BlackBerry Connectivity
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry® Secure Connect Plus streamlinesbehind-the-firewallaccess and provides an additional layer ofencryption for corporatedata in transit. The BlackBerryConnectivity app is required fordevices to use the BlackBerrySecure Connect Plus feature inBlackBerry UEM. BlackBerry SecureConnect Plus can deliversignificant cost savings by eliminating theneed for purchasing,configuring and managing mobile VPNs. This appcan also improve theon device user experience by enablingmulti-media and streamingapplications (including voice, video) torun on Android™ devices,providing a secure IP tunnel between appsin the work space and anorganization’s network. Purchase ofAndroid™ for Work withBlackBerry Secure Connect Plus licenses isrequired to enableusers. Please check with your organization’smobility expertsbefore downloading and installing this application.For moreinformation and to see the Release Notes,visit
DTEK by BlackBerry
BlackBerry Limited
In this world of interconnected apps and networks, controllingwhatis shared and with whom it’s shared with can be achallenge.BlackBerry® DTEK for Android™ allows you to view andimprove yourprivacy level and monitor application access to yourcamera,microphone, location, and personal information. Take controlwithDTEK by BlackBerry. Key Features: • Monitor – Know at a glancetheoverall security rating for your device, as well as forspecificsecurity features. You can identify whether you need totake anyaction to improve the security of your device. • Control –Easilychange your security settings to improve the security ratingforyour device and specific security features. • Track – Turn oneventlogging to track what your apps are doing. Advanced tools helpyoutrack what info your apps have accessed, how it’s being used,andthe duration of use. This includes which apps are accessingyourcamera, microphone, location, and personal information. • Alert–Be notified of specific application activities when you setupnotifications.
BlackBerry® Virtual Expert
BlackBerry Limited
Does your BlackBerry need a health assessment? Are you consideringarepair? The BlackBerry Virtual Expert diagnostics application isasimple self-guided diagnostics app brought to you byBlackBerry.This application is designed to help you identify thecause ofsymptoms that your BlackBerry device may exhibit ordisplay. Youwill be guided through a series of hardware tests toproduce a testresults summary. The BlackBerry Virtual Expert iscustomized foryour BlackBerry smartphone’s model features, andincludes a seriesof tests for: - Cameras - Camera Flash - Display -Keyboard - MainKeypad - Side keys - Slider - Touch Screen -Receiver Speaker -Loudspeaker - Stereo Headset - Microphones -Vibrator - Status LED- USB connector - USB port - Light Sensor -Proximity Sensor At theend of the test(s), you will be given thetest results. If any ofthe tests have failed, you may wish tocontact your serviceprovider with the diagnosis for customersupport – to get back tousing your BlackBerry quickly andefficiently.
MicrosoftexFAT for BlackBerry 11
BlackBerry Limited
SDXC Cards store data in a different format, versuspreviousgeneration SD cards. This application lets you unlock thefullpotential of your SDXC Card for your BlackBerry smartphone.KeyFeatures: • Supports SDXC cards up to 2 TB capacity • Cansavefiles in excess of 4GB in size
BlackBerry Hub+ Tasks 2.2114.6.7059
BlackBerry Limited
Increase your efficiency and productivity with BlackBerry®Hub+Tasks. Create tasks and to-do lists with due dates, andreceivereminders to help you meet your deadlines. Major Features:•Effortlessly create one-time or recurring tasks with due datesandreminders, and receive notifications for upcoming tasks • Sortyourtasks by due date, priority, or creation date • Sync yourtaskswith email providers such as, based onMicrosoftExchange ActiveSync 12.x or later • Dark theme optiongives yourBlackBerry Hub+ Tasks a fresh new look and feel •Organize yourtasks into categories by adding custom tags • FullysupportsAndroid Enterprise deployment and, when allowed byyouradministrator, supports unifying your personal and work taskswhilemaintaining strict data storage separation BlackBerry Hub+Tasksrequires the BlackBerry® Hub+ Services app to deliver aconsistentexperience across all BlackBerry® applications, and tomanage yoursubscriptions Enjoy BlackBerry Hub+ Tasks for free onyourBlackBerry® device! If you don't have a BlackBerry device: •Enjoyfull functionality of the app for 30 days • Purchase amonthlysubscription to enjoy BlackBerry Hub+ Tasks without ads.Thisgrants you access to all the BlackBerry Hub+ apps,includingCalendar, Contacts, Inbox, Notes, Tasks, and Launcher •EnterpriseCustomers, pleasevisit: Forsupport,visit
BlackBerry UEM Client
BlackBerry Limited
UEM client enables secure access to work email, work apps and workpolicies.
BlackBerry Protect 1.4.397
BlackBerry Limited
The BlackBerry Protect App can be installed devices to provideuserswith: · An overall security assessment of the device · A listofmalicious or sideloaded apps that the app has detected·User-friendly options to uninstall malicious or sideloaded apps·Scan SMS messages for malicious URLs The BlackBerry DynamicsSDKand the BlackBerry Protect library are integrated with theapp,allowing it to detect malware and sideloaded apps onAndroiddevices. The BlackBerry Protect app performs its ownmalwarescanning and sideload detection activities, independentofdetection done by other BlackBerry Dynamics apps on the device.Theapp detects malicious or sideloaded apps in the device spaceinwhich it is installed (work or personal) and displays anythreatsthat it detects. It scans SMS messages to check them formaliciousURLs. Whenever possible, the app gives the user guidancefor how toresolve potential threats.
BlackBerry® Help
BlackBerry Limited
In the BlackBerry Help app, you'll find all the information youneedto get started and use your BlackBerry smartphone poweredbyAndroid™. Learn how to personalize your home screen, setupshortcuts, find apps, type on the BlackBerry Keyboard, andmore.The BlackBerry Help app includes interactive tutorials,setupinstructions, device feature demos, a search feature, andlinks tomany other helpful resources.
BlackBerry Launcher 2.1902.1.10150
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry Launcher lets you organize apps, widgets, andshortcutson customized home screen panels for instant access.Turnmulti-step actions like sending an email or calling a friendinto aone-click task. Major Features: • BlackBerry pop-up widgetsallowyou to view any app’s widget by simply swiping up or downacrossthe icon on your home screen • Add shortcuts to the homescreen toadd contacts, notes, tasks, and calendar events quicklyand easily• Create custom shortcuts for speed dial, Google Mapsdirections,drive scan, and more • Customize the look and feel ofyour deviceusing custom icon packs, wallpapers, and ringtones, andchange thegrid layout of your home screen panels • Hide apps fromthe homescreen and the All Apps screen (for Android 7.1 and later)•Conserve battery and data usage with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, andwirelessnetwork shortcuts • Fully supports Android EnterprisedeploymentBlackBerry Launcher requires the BlackBerry Hub+ Servicesapp todeliver a consistent experience across all BlackBerryapplications,and to manage your subscriptions Enjoy BlackBerryLauncher for freeon your BlackBerry device! If you don't have aBlackBerry device: •Enjoy full functionality of the app for 30 days• After 30 days,use the app with full functionality and some ads •Purchase amonthly subscription to enjoy the BlackBerry Launcherwithout ads.This grants you access to all the BlackBerry Hub+ apps,includingCalendar, Contacts, Inbox, Notes, and Tasks • EnterpriseCustomers,please visit: Forsupport,
BlackBerry Limited
***YOU MUST ACQUIRE A VALID LICENSE DIRECTLY FROM BLACKBERRY TOUSESECUSUITE®*** SecuSUITE® is a secure communication solutionforend-to-end encryption of voice calls and instant messagestoprotect you from the threat of eavesdropping. The SecuSUITE®appfor Android connects calls quickly, keeps them secure andensuresexcellent voice quality. Send messages to individuals orgroups ofother users in your organization that are encryptedend-to-end, aswell as share content such as documents, pictures,and videos.SecuSUITE® is an independently Common Criteria validatedandcertified encrypted mobile communications tool forthecommunication of officialSecret/TopSecret/Classified/Restricted/Confidential/SensitivebutUnclassified (SBU) data over voice and IM. SecuSUITE® is adoptedbymany leading world governments for the protection ofNationalcommunications against foreign and domestic espionage. Keyfeaturesinclude: • Send messages to individuals and groups that canincludeshared content such as documents, images, and videos •Secure groupvoice calls with an existing group, or create a newgroup withthose you need to speak with now • Voice and messagecommunicationsecured with strong data-in-transit (DIT) anddata-at-rest (DAR)encryption • Instantaneous call setup withultra-fast key agreementand superb voice quality • Connection tocustomer PBX, conferencingserver and PSTN, allowing for extendedfunctionalities such asbreakout calling, break-in calling, andconferencing • Supportsdual layers of encryption across datachannels, complies withCommercial National Security Algorithm Suitecryptographyrequirements, and FIPS 140-2 (NIST) • Common Criteriacertified andNIAP Protection Profile compliant with NATO approvalin progress •On-premise installation of the backend provides fullsystemsovereignty and control for the customer to meetcompliancerequirements • Hosted solution available providingdeploymentflexibility but retaining all of the security featureshighlightedabove • MDM/EMM-agnostic; however, recommend pairingwithBlackBerry UEM • Remote deployment and simple usermanagementthrough a user-friendly, centralized admin portal
BlackBerry Hub+ Notes 2.2114.6.7059
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry® Hub+ Notes is a place to keep track of to-do lists,yourbucket list, notes for a presentation, or action items fromameeting. Stay organized by managing all your important notes,fromfamily gift ideas to your weekly shopping list. Major Features:•Rich text editor lets you format your notes and organize yourlistswith bullet points, numbered bullets, and check boxes • Syncyournotes with email providers such as, based onMicrosoftExchange ActiveSync 14.1 or later • Organize your notesintocategories by adding custom tags • Dark theme option givesyourBlackBerry Hub+ Notes a fresh new look and feel • FullysupportsAndroid Enterprise deployment and, when allowed byyouradministrator, supports unifying your personal and work noteswhilemaintaining strict data storage separation BlackBerry Hub+Notesrequires the BlackBerry® Hub+ Services app to deliver aconsistentexperience across all BlackBerry® applications, and tomanage yoursubscriptions Enjoy Notes for free on your BlackBerry®device! Ifyou don't have a BlackBerry device: • Enjoy fullfunctionality ofthe app for 30 days • Purchase a monthlysubscription to get fullfunctionality of BlackBerry Hub+ Notes.This grants you access toall the BlackBerry Hub+ apps, includingCalendar, Contacts, Inbox,Tasks, and Launcher. • EnterpriseCustomers, pleasevisit: Forsupport,visit
BlackBerry Password Keeper
BlackBerry Limited
If you don't have a BlackBerry device: You can use this app onyourAndroid device absolutely free for 30 days. After that, youcancontinue using the app for free, with some ads. To remove adsandunlock access to more apps, subscribe to BlackBerry Hub+ fromtheapp. If you have a BlackBerry device: BlackBerrysmartphonespowered by Android get the app for free. RequiresBlackBerry Hub+Services You have a lot of passwords to keep trackof – email andsocial accounts, online banking, access to workapplications. Andthey all have different security requirements.BlackBerry PasswordKeeper stores all your passwords, logininformation and importantrecords safely in one secure location thatis protected with apassword of your choice. Password Keeper workswith the BlackBerryKeyboard to make it fast and easy to log in toweb pages and apps –just tap to insert your login info fromPassword Keeper. • Keepyour personal information safe with AES-256encryption • Accessyour secure vault of information with only onelogin password •Randomly generate secure, unique passwords toreplace weakpasswords • Check that your passwords are strong usingthe passwordstrength meter • Store new passwords, lists, and notes,editexisting items, and mark items as favorites for quick access •Openand log in to webpages using the built-in browser • ExportPasswordKeeper records to an encrypted file to store in a locationof yourchoice • Easily import records including from a previousBlackBerry10 device • Fully supports Android for Work deployment •Part ofBlackBerry Hub+ On BlackBerry devices only: • Autofillusernamesand passwords in web pages and apps with the BlackBerryKeyboard •Using the BlackBerry Keyboard, add new passwords quicklyby savinglogin info right from an app or web page’s login screen
BlackBerry Camera
BlackBerry Limited
The BlackBerry® Camera is optimized for theSchneider-Kreuznach®certified camera on PRIV. Takeprofessional-quality photos withminimal effort! Creativity comesnaturally when taking photos isthis simple, and when your resultsare this beautiful. TheBlackBerry Camera includes professionalsettings that you can applyas you frame the scene, including livefilter effects and exposurecontrol. Features like Phase DetectionAuto Focus, OIS, and adual-color flash help the camera focusinstantly, deliver feedbackto you quickly, and capture crisp,vibrant photos, even in lowlight Key Features: • Phase DetectionAuto focus – Lightning-fastautofocus technology, commonly found inprofessional cameras,ensures the moment is always crystal clear •Panorama – Captureeverything around you in stunning detail withmassive, 140megapixel, 360 degree panoramic photos • 4k video – Seeeverydetail in your videos with incredible definition • Panoramaselfie– Include more of your surroundings and fit all of yourfriends inthe photo with you • Live filters – Express your artisticside byusing filters that you can see before you even take thephoto • 60fps video recording – Video with smooth and lifelikemotion formoving subjects
BlackBerry® Alert 2.1.0
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry Alert is a critical event management solutionthatenables organizations to prepare for, respond to, and recoverfromdisruptive events. Whether a power disruption, cyberattack,networkoutage, or natural disaster, it provides a unified platformtofacilitate quicker response times and reduce overall impacttooperations and customers. BlackBerry Alert empowersorganizationsto manage the entire life cycle of any critical event:o Plan yourresponse in advance with a library of pre-planned eventtemplates oGet an early warning of threats with situationalmonitoring ofbusiness systems and external data o Reach anyone,anywhere,anytime with secure targeted alerts o Account for people’ssafetythrough status updates and check-ins o Collaborate withinexistingworkflows, including Microsoft Teams® and ServiceNow® oImproveyour response by accessing detailed incident logs Note: •Use ofthe BlackBerry Alert mobile app requires an Organization Codefromyour system administrator. • The BlackBerry Alert mobile appusesGPS services for accurate targeting of alerts to users.Continueduse of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecreasebattery life.